Unreal Engine 5 texture corruption issue
Posted by admin on November 24, 2022Now is 2022 and Unreal Engine 5.1 has finally relesed. But it still can be funky. You work on your scene and all of a sudden, you get this.

If you go to the problematic material you will see it.

You can see it is the texture. Let's open the texture.

But if we zoom to 100% the problem is not present there.

If we check the unreal engine forum, we would see that it happened to many people. It seems to be a bug in "streaming textures" and hopefully, it will be fixed soon. It seems to affect only the editor and is not present in the packaged games. The temporal solution could be just disabling the texture streaming.

Categories: Game Dev Unreal Engine Tags: game-dev · kitbash3d · 3d · ue5.1 · unreal-engine · bugs · render